The Veterans Health Benefits Handbook On-line (VHBH)
The online Veterans Health Benefits Handbook provides enrolled Veterans immediate access to an easy-to-read personalized overview of their health care benefits, such as medications, prosthetics and dental care. VHBH offers detailed information a variety of subjects such as:
- frequently asked questions
- contact information for the Veteran's preferred facility
- how to schedule appointments
- how to seamlessly access your care when traveling or moving
- the Affordable Care Act
- copay responsibilities, and much more
The online VHBH is a real-time resource that also provides enrolled Veterans with the ability to view, print, and save their personalized VHBH. New enrollees will automatically have the handbook mailed to them upon confirmation of enrollment.
Should you want a printed copy or if the information in your handbook is incorrect, contact VA at 1-877-222-VETS (8387). If you do not agree with your health care enrollment decision, information about how to file an appeal is included in the handbook.